As we are all aware, Breathitt and surrounding counties experienced a devastating flood the end of Feb / beginning of March. So many lost everything they owned.
Aspire Appalachia immediately went to work to try and help our people. We raised funds and others came together to help us raise funds as well. We wanted to ensure we were here to help our neighbors in their time of need.
In the beginning we purchased thousands of dollars of supplies and food to donate to the flood distribution center.
In the weeks to come, we began focusing on reaching individuals personally to see how we could help. We started with mattresses. We were able to purchase and give out over 50 mattresses that included sheets, pillows and blankets.
Once this phase of recovery passed, we started helping individuals with rebuilding. Throughout this phase, we were able to help multiple individuals with over 600 sheets of drywall and 400 rolls of insulation.
With the help of a grant from Appalachia Rises, we were able to help 10 families purchase one large appliance.
Due to the generous nature of a donor and their outstanding work, we have been blessed enough to purchase every item needed (building supplies, furniture, appliances) to get 34 individuals back into their destroyed home. This included over 100 large appliances, over 40 pieces of furniture, numerous sheets of plywood, paneling, etc.
As of today, we have helped over 80 families and spent over $130,000 on helping our community build back.
So, if you donated to us - please know we have worked diligently to ensure every penny has gone to help someone in need. Every precaution has been taken to ensure the funds are being used on individuals who have actually been affected. We could never say thank you enough for allowing us to help our community during this time.
Even though donations have stopped and funds are dwindling, we still have the ability to continue helping individuals with some needed items. If you have not received any assistance from us and were affected by the recent flooding events, please reach out and we will discuss how we may be able to help.
Also, please reach out and keep up with the long term recovery team that has been formed for Breathitt County! They will have the information of any resources that may be available for you!
